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Petland Knoxville, Tennessee
July 3, 2022
UPDATE 7/2/2022: The ferret I rescued from here was diagnosed with ECE and it has spread. It went undetected by petland and is a super contagious viral infection. Again, BEWARE BEFORE YOU BUY!! This is horrible.
Most of the staff is super nice and it is not their fault that they are trained to do this, HOWEVER, they are severely uneducated on the animals they are selling. Their position is about sales, similar to the cars and housing markets.They are pushing these poor animals into inappropriate housing situations for a quick buck. For example, I am a vet assistant at a local clinic. I also happen to own 4 ferrets. I was dragged in by a group of friends the other day and what I saw broke my heart. A poor 7 month old ferret housed with 8-10 week old ferrets. And they all had ear mites. I explained that to one of the workers and she told me it was a tattoo because they are Marshall ferrets. While they do in fact have tattoos, they most definitely also have ear mites. The lab results at my clinic from the poor baby I picked up from there can prove it. But instead, they denied it and then offered an ear mite treatment that I would have to pay extra for in addition to the $450 to get that little guy out of that situation. They also had no answer or excuse as to why he (the 7 month old) was there for so long and I don’t think they plan on treating the other remaining ferrets for mites as well. And for those who are unfamiliar, ear mites are similar to fleas and almost every animal in your home can easily get them if not properly treated. Dogs, cats, and even you. BEWARE BEFORE YOU BUY!