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Petland Knoxville, Tennessee
May 20, 2022
Summer months are only around the corner. It is important this time of year to prepare your dog for the summer heat. Here are three tips to keep your dog cool and comfortable this summer:
Prepare Their Coat for Summer
Your pet’s fur coat helps them stay warm in winter and cool in summer. Your dog will grow a heavier coat in winter months and shed it in the spring season to develop a lighter coat for summer.
Help keep your pet cool in the summer by trimming their coat. It is advisable to go with a professional trimmer, so you don’t end up cutting it too short.
A low trim could also help identify any skin infections or telling symptoms.
Prepare the Garden for Summer
If your pup loves to spend a lot of time outdoors, then you should consider creating a great space for them. You could create shade using a screen, umbrella or putting up a tarp.
Wet mats or towels during the hottest parts of the day to use with your pet. You can also find colling mats at some local pet stores. If you already have ice packs in your freezer, you can sandwich the packs between light blankets or towels to create a refreshing mat for your dog.
This is good advice for you and applies to your pet too. Puppies usually require water more frequently because they are more active and their bodies are unable to regulate well.
The hot temperatures could cause dehydration and it is important to ensure that the water remains cool too. You could do this by adding ice to the water bowl as well as filling a clamshell or paddling pool with cool water.
If you are going to have a seamless summer with your pup, then you need to prepare. These tips are vital ones that you can follow.